Monday, January 7, 2008

waiting, seeing, and trying to work.

well it's a warm, if not sunny, monday morning here. i came to royal oak with a surface mindset of getting some work done, but i think underneath that I knew I'd really just surf the internet and people watch for a good portion of my time here.

My weekend was okay. Some of the highlights include hanging out with jenny both saturday and sunday. saturday just briefly and sunday for most of the day, actually getting work done! it's just really nice to be able to see her on a semi-regular basis again. I didn't realize how much I missed doing that. You know the saying "you don't know what you got 'till it's gone" (or maybe that's a song lyric...). Well, for me, it's more like I don't know what I've got until it's gone and then I get it back again.

The lowlights include idleing my time away. I feel like I'm in this really transitory place and i'm not sure what to make of it. I don't know where I'm going. No answers, just ideas. And sure it's fun thinking of the future as a blank canvas sometimes.. but when it comes to living day to day facing that blank canvas, it really gets to me. I hate this "waiting and seeing" business about life. Maybe I'm just being too passive about life.. but I don't have it in me lately to stop waiting and seeing.

At least I have veronica mars to help pass the time.
That and games of scrabble, which i keep losing!!!

And: I need to start a budget. Except it's hard when I don't have a steady paycheck. I mean, really, how can I make a budget when I don't know what I've got? WAIT AND SEE!!! boo.

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