Friday, January 4, 2008

hopefully this will be better than livejournal

well it's a new year, and i really like the idea of having a new blog. my live journal account just holds too many memories, and it seemed like i was taking a step backwards rather than really living in 08. Plus, Meghan's blog just looked so pretty!

it's currently 8:30am and I thought I got up at 9, but in my sleepy glances I read the clock wrong. My plan was to roll out of bed, have some cereal then go to yoga. Now I have all this "free time." The last yoga class I was at made mention that new years are filled with the things every year is filled up with (different for everyone, i suppose.. but a common theme of sadness, anger, confusion, happiness, excitement, etc.) but that one thing didn't have to change: yoga. and while in bakasana, the truth of that clicked: sometimes life is not easy, but somehow we manage the strength to get through it. and yoga is not going anywhere in my life. so there will always be some sort of stability in my life!

I am also planning on working on some water diversion research later. I have been really nervous about this project, as I've only glossed over water laws and I don't understand them enough to write a publishable paper on it. But I was talking to Jenny about it, and she reminded me that I have a degree, and that this is like any other new job I'd have gotten. I just have to work hard and trust my ability to do the job I was hired for. Jenny is so smart sometimes. So I have been working hard and I am beginning to understand (gulp) legislative terms on water laws. Let me explain how much they need improvement! On second thought, let me not explain that.

Okay, I am going to start my day for real now.


the littlebear project said...

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Well even though you've moved, I hope you'll visit "us" over at LJ!