Wednesday, May 21, 2008

being mindful

so even though a lot has been going on, i always think i have nothing too important to update my blog with. that's a lie though because i think life in general is important no matter what one 'does' to occupy the time. i've been thinking a lot about time and what i do with it and how none of it really matters unless if i'm paying attention to it. one moment i could be planting a tree, pulling a weed, staring off into space, striking a warrior pose, reading, updating this blog.. all this stuff.. and it's not until i pass judgments on it that i deem it good or bad or become attached to it.
in theory, sitting down is just as meaningful as taking a run or cleaning the bathroom.

i heard this analogy the other day when i was listening to Guatam Jain
The analogy was about how when we attach to things our experience of something can change and either lead to suffering or to joy. He used the example of buying a new, expensive car and it's your first time driving it and you hit a giant pothole. The initial reaction by most is that it hurts your heart and you become worried or upset. Now, picture the same exact car and situation, except it's a rental. You may not even care about the pothole. In fact, you might notice the car's superb suspension! it's the detachment from the car that allows us to remain present in the situation.

anyway, he talked about a lot more things and i could probably discuss them forever but one analogy is enough for one blog update.

i get to hang out with Jenny tonight and i am so excited! We're actually going to Guatam Jain's third lecture so I am also looking forward to learning more from him. And maybe we'll go to the new Panera Bread that opened in Birmingham, too.

Okay, time for me to get clean and run some errands. Hope everyone is doing well!

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